
February 14, 2018 , Wed | Book Couples Countdown | 0 or add you thoughts!

Happy Valentine’s Day, book lovers! And thank you for joining me as I counted down my favorite book couples! I wanted to do this last post to wrap up my list of couples and close out the series! I had such a blast with this, and I think I may try to think up fun series more often.

So in case you missed it, these were my picks!

Day 1: Beauty & the Beast

Day 2: Inej & Kaz

Day 3: Penelope & Odysseus

Day 4: Rachel & Gabriel

Day 5: Annabeth & Percy

Day 6: Agnieszka & Sarkan

Day 7: Nesta & Cassian

Writing the posts for this series added such a lovely dimension to this time of the year. It was difficult to choose them all, and even more difficult to put them in some kind of order, but I’ve ended up loving what I settled on! I had so much fun, and I hope you enjoyed reading about these duos and viewing all that magnificent fan art!

If you’ve stumbled across my blog without having heard about it through Instagram, I also posted a photo with a quote for each couple! read more

February 6, 2018 , Tue | Book Couples Countdown | 0 or add you thoughts!

In honor of the month of love, I’ve decided to do a weeklong series here on my blog and over on Instagram! Titled Book Couples Countdown, it will entail me sharing one of my favorite bookish couples every day for the week leading up to Valentine’s Day! The series will start tomorrow, and before it does, I want to share a little info about how I chose these lovely pairs.

Selecting just seven favorites was difficult. Putting them in some kind of countdown order was nearly impossible! They could probably still be reordered a bit, but I think I’ve done pretty well! That being said, I can confidently say that my Day 7 pick truly is the book romance I’m currently the most obsessed with. I read fan fiction. I pine for the next book. I have framed fan art of them (that could be a hint if you’re a longtime Instagram follower, or if you do some serious digging on my feed).

So stay tuned, and join me in a celebration of the love stories I (and I’m willing to bet many of you) love most! read more
