
February 28, 2018 , Wed | Wrap-Ups | 0 or add you thoughts!

Well book lovers, February is over, and you know what that means! It’s time for a wrap-up! I didn’t end up diving into as many love stories as I’d thought I might, but overall my reading month was wonderful!

“I stand for a moment, staring at it, remembering.

The faint squeal of the baby swing, the biting chill of the early-morning air, the crispness of white chalk on black tarmac. Another message. But this one was different. Not a chalk man . . . something else. 

I turn abruptly. Not now. Not again. I won’t be drawn back in.”

The first book I finished this month was The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor! This had me drawn in from the first line, and it succeeded in keeping me there throughout. I have trouble with these types of books sometimes, because if I’m able to guess what’s coming, it ruins it for me. I enjoy the atmosphere, but not so much that I can love a predictable thriller. But this one intrigued me because I’d heard people say it was perfect for Stranger Things fans, and it did sound fascinating. Well, it was a total success! I was in suspense until the very end, and I thought Tudor did a wonderful job of rounding everything out. read more

September 30, 2017 , Sat | Wrap-Ups | 0 or add you thoughts!

September has been a dream for this bibliophile! I went to a local book festival and several exciting author events, and I got to visit the most adorable independent bookshop near me for the first time. This was also the month of exciting new releases! But most importantly, I read some wonderful stories. I’m fairly selective with what I call an all-time favorite, and I am designating two of my reads from this month as such, so that should tell you how good September was to me!

“I was not happy as a child, although from time to time I was content. I lived in books more than I lived anywhere else.”

This was such an incredible little novel. It is one of the two aforementioned new favorites, and I am already itching to reread it! Before this, I had only read Norse Mythology and a few chapters of American Gods. Now, I’m realizing what a mistake it has been that I haven’t previously made Neil Gaiman’s work more of a priority! This book delighted and surprised me in so many ways throughout. Absolutely charming! read more

September 4, 2017 , Mon | Events | 0 or add you thoughts!

This past weekend, I attended the AJC Decatur Book Festival, and IT WAS AWESOME. I always love these things, but this was my first time going to this one. It was well organized, filled with like-minded book lovers, and had a ton of tents overflowing with books, many of which were collectible and/or rare. Needless to say, I was in heaven! In this post, I’ll share photos and recap a little about the weekend.

On Saturday, my dad and I went to the Superheroes Redefined panel and signing with Gwenda Bond (author of the Lois Lane series and the moderator), Leigh Bardugo (on tour for Wonder Woman: Warbringer), and Jason Reynolds (on tour for Miles Morales: Spider-Man). It was SO COOL. The three of them are such intelligent, fascinating people. Listening to them was an unreal experience. As someone who loves to read, I know that the people who write the books I’m reading are uncommonly smart. Of course they are. They wrote a book. But hearing them speak in person, not just about their own novels, but about how they were striving to interweave important themes, was incredible! Bond, Bardugo, and Reynolds touched specifically on the influence superhero stories can have on today’s youth, especially in a political climate where very few real-life examples of moral good exist anymore. I have never read anything by Bond or Reynolds yet, but after this panel I am definitely going to pick up their work. read more
