
September 30, 2017 , Sat | Wrap-Ups | 0 or add you thoughts!

September has been a dream for this bibliophile! I went to a local book festival and several exciting author events, and I got to visit the most adorable independent bookshop near me for the first time. This was also the month of exciting new releases! But most importantly, I read some wonderful stories. I’m fairly selective with what I call an all-time favorite, and I am designating two of my reads from this month as such, so that should tell you how good September was to me!

“I was not happy as a child, although from time to time I was content. I lived in books more than I lived anywhere else.”

This was such an incredible little novel. It is one of the two aforementioned new favorites, and I am already itching to reread it! Before this, I had only read Norse Mythology and a few chapters of American Gods. Now, I’m realizing what a mistake it has been that I haven’t previously made Neil Gaiman’s work more of a priority! This book delighted and surprised me in so many ways throughout. Absolutely charming! read more

September 8, 2017 , Fri | Events | 0 or add you thoughts!

This past Wednesday, my mom and I went to the Tower of Dawn event held by Little Shop of Stories, and I lived a dream! Throne of Glass is one of my absolute favorite book series. Seriously, it’s up there with Harry Potter for me. So, as you might imagine, there are few people I have wanted to meet more than Sarah J. Maas. And, guess what? I MET HER.

Since she is so popular, they had to put a limit on how many people could actually meet her and get their signed copy personalized. As part of the event, you got a pre-signed copy and entry into a raffle. There was an auditorium full of people (over 400) there, and only 50 would be picked from the raffle to meet her. My family has never been lucky when it comes to stuff like this. BUT ONE OF OUR NUMBERS WON.

To be honest, I’m still on cloud nine. It was surreal to see her that close, and to talk to her and her husband (who apparently comes to all of these events with her—how sweet?!), after immersing myself, time and again, in the worlds she has created. read more
