
November 1, 2017 , Wed | Recommendations | 0 or add you thoughts!

Happy November! This month means more autumnal fun, Thanksgiving, and … National Novel Writing Month! I don’t actually do much creative writing. In fact, up until a few years ago, I didn’t write on my own time at all. I’ve gotten a little more into it every year since I started doing it a little more, and this year I actually have a few projects in mind. So, I’ve decided to take a stab at NaNoWriMo. I can be really bad at keeping up with things like this (I tried NaNoWriMo for all of a few days last year), so we’ll see what happens. But, I also thought this was a perfect time to share some of my favorite writing craft books! As evidenced by most of this paragraph, I am far from an expert about any of this, but I have really enjoyed all of these. They’ve informed my copywriting for work, my creative writing for fun, and my pursuit of an inspired lifestyle.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

I’ve heard mixed things about this, and I understand some of the criticism it receives, but I LOVED this book. I found Gilbert’s approach entertaining and enlightening. She did make me think about creativity in a new way, which I value. This is also unique on this list, because it isn’t only about writing. Gilbert talks about her pursuit of a creative lifestyle, filled with outside-the-box thinking in all ways. read more
