
February 28, 2018 , Wed | Wrap-Ups | 0 or add you thoughts!

Well book lovers, February is over, and you know what that means! It’s time for a wrap-up! I didn’t end up diving into as many love stories as I’d thought I might, but overall my reading month was wonderful!

“I stand for a moment, staring at it, remembering.

The faint squeal of the baby swing, the biting chill of the early-morning air, the crispness of white chalk on black tarmac. Another message. But this one was different. Not a chalk man . . . something else. 

I turn abruptly. Not now. Not again. I won’t be drawn back in.”

The first book I finished this month was The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor! This had me drawn in from the first line, and it succeeded in keeping me there throughout. I have trouble with these types of books sometimes, because if I’m able to guess what’s coming, it ruins it for me. I enjoy the atmosphere, but not so much that I can love a predictable thriller. But this one intrigued me because I’d heard people say it was perfect for Stranger Things fans, and it did sound fascinating. Well, it was a total success! I was in suspense until the very end, and I thought Tudor did a wonderful job of rounding everything out. read more

January 31, 2018 , Wed | Wrap-Ups | 0 or add you thoughts!

Well, that’s a wrap on January! And it was such a success for me! One of my goals for the year is to take the time to slow down and read less if I’m feeling it, and I did that this month. I also completed my book-buying ban as planned, which feels like one of my largest accomplishments in a while, to be honest! Each of these books came from my unread shelves, and that makes me so happy.

Sayings Missing One Letter

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bus.

If you can’t eat them, join them.

A stitch in Tim saves nine.

Work hard, lay hard.

Ruth is stranger than fiction.

People who live in glass hoses shouldn’t throw stones.

Follows your reams.”

I began the year with some comedy! As I get older, I find I enjoy satire more and more. This was no exception! Martin had me laughing out loud and/or shaking my head throughout this little book. I picked it up in the airport, because it looked too hilarious to pass, and I’m glad I did! The page I’ve quoted was one of my favorites. I hope it gives you a laugh too. read more
