
August 13, 2017 , Sun | Recommendations | 0 or add you thoughts!

I’ve loved the ocean since childhood, and my desire to read nonfiction on the subject has been renewed over the last few years. Today, I’m sharing my recommendations!

The Devil’s Teeth: A True Story of Obsession and Survival Among America’s Great White Sharks by Susan Casey

Killer Whales of the World by Robin W. Baird

Voices in the Ocean: A Journey into the Wild and Haunting World of Dolphins by Susan Casey

War of the Whales: A True Story by Joshua Horwitz

Shark by Brian Skerry

Swimming with Orca: My Life with New Zealand’s Killer Whales by Ingrid Visser

Seahorses: A Life-Size Guide to Every Species by Sara Lourie

Beneath the Surface: Killer Whales, SeaWorld, and the Truth Beyond Blackfish by John Hargrove

The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery

Have you read any of these? Are you planning to? Let me know in the comments below! 

July 31, 2017 , Mon | Wrap-Ups | 0 or add you thoughts!

July ends today, which means it’s time for a wrap-up! I’ve shared my reads for the month, along with a favorite quote from each, below!

“‘This world is unforgiving and cruel to those it judges as even the slightest bit outside the norm. If anyone should be kind, understanding, accepting, loving to their fellow outcasts, it’s you. All of you. You are the guardians of the secrets of the universe, beloved of worlds that most will never dream of, much less see . . . can’t you see where you owe it to yourselves to be kind? To care for one another?'”

“‘I cannot speak for every girl, but most people’s eyes are drawn to other things. Many want power.’ Nigel drew a finger, inked with a dagger, over the dragon on his abdomen. ‘Others want pleasure.’ He ran a hand over the wild circus on his thighs, along with a few more tattoos. ‘Your eyes passed over all these.'” read more
