
January 15, 2018 , Mon | Recommendations | 0 or add you thoughts!

Today’s post is for my fellow dog lovers! This is a blog about books, which means I can be reasonably sure that most of the people reading this are bibliophiles. But I’d be willing to bet that a fair amount of you are cynophilists (according to Merriam-Webster, a dog fancier) too! I’m certainly one! My beloved dog, Milo, turns 6 today, and we are celebrating as we always do: doing all of his favorite things. Here on the blog, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite dog-related reads.

Nice Nosing You: For the Love of Life, Dogs and Photography by Elke Vogelsang

An exploration of the comfort, companionship, and beauty dogs bring to our lives, this stunning coffee table book was inspired by the severe illness of the writer and photographer’s husband, Carsten, and the role their three dogs played in comforting the couple throughout the trials it brought. Vogelsang’s images are gorgeous and charmingly posed. The story will wrench your heart. I cried while reading this, but it’s breathtaking! read more

August 22, 2017 , Tue | Reviews | 0 or add you thoughts!

“Years from now, we’ll tell this story: Once upon a time, there was a wolf called Romeo. Together, we watch him trot across the lake and fade into twilight. And we remember.”


  • Human perception of top predators
  • Conservation and environmental politics
  • Evolutionary relationship between wolves and dogs

Wolves, dogs, interspecies communication, the wilderness, conservation—if you enjoy any of these topics, A Wolf Called Romeo will enthrall you. I expected this to be one of those “food-conditioned wild animal acts friendly sometimes and we got great photos” scenarios. Far from it, and Jans condemns food conditioning throughout the book. He has a real understanding of and respect for Romeo as a wild animal, and even hopes throughout the novel that the wolf will move on, live his natural life, and keep out of harm’s—aka humanity’s—way.

Environmental politics are central in this story, and I think Jans does an excellent job of staying as unbiased as possible despite his obvious love for animals, wolves in particular. I deeply appreciated Jans’s levelheaded, far-from-dramatic approach to each event and the community’s various reactions. I came away with a detailed understanding of the beliefs, historical perspectives, and emotions involved on both sides. read more

July 31, 2017 , Mon | Wrap-Ups | 0 or add you thoughts!

July ends today, which means it’s time for a wrap-up! I’ve shared my reads for the month, along with a favorite quote from each, below!

“‘This world is unforgiving and cruel to those it judges as even the slightest bit outside the norm. If anyone should be kind, understanding, accepting, loving to their fellow outcasts, it’s you. All of you. You are the guardians of the secrets of the universe, beloved of worlds that most will never dream of, much less see . . . can’t you see where you owe it to yourselves to be kind? To care for one another?'”

“‘I cannot speak for every girl, but most people’s eyes are drawn to other things. Many want power.’ Nigel drew a finger, inked with a dagger, over the dragon on his abdomen. ‘Others want pleasure.’ He ran a hand over the wild circus on his thighs, along with a few more tattoos. ‘Your eyes passed over all these.'” read more
