
February 9, 2018 , Fri | Book Couples Countdown | 0 or add you thoughts!

Day 3 of Book Couples Countdown is here, and our pair for today is classic, in every sense of the word! Mythology, especially that of the ancient Greeks and Romans, is something I’m passionate about. I still hope to someday return to school, earn a doctorate, and teach classical studies at the college level. But we’ll see if that ever happens! For now, I can just continue to obsess over it in my spare time, and by now I hope you’ve realized that a beautiful romance tends to fuel my love for a work like little else! There are many love stories within classical mythology, but Penelope and Odysseus are my favorite by far.

Art by Soni Alcorn-Hender.

After the events of The Iliad, Odysseus becomes lost at sea, and his epic journey home presents a variety of temptations, from immortal life to beautiful women. He declines them all, refusing to accept several offers of a comfortable life. Instead, he continues on in his strenuous attempts to get home. Why? Because he has every intention of returning to his true love, Penelope. read more
