
February 28, 2018 , Wed | Wrap-Ups | 0 or add you thoughts!

Well book lovers, February is over, and you know what that means! It’s time for a wrap-up! I didn’t end up diving into as many love stories as I’d thought I might, but overall my reading month was wonderful!

“I stand for a moment, staring at it, remembering.

The faint squeal of the baby swing, the biting chill of the early-morning air, the crispness of white chalk on black tarmac. Another message. But this one was different. Not a chalk man . . . something else. 

I turn abruptly. Not now. Not again. I won’t be drawn back in.”

The first book I finished this month was The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor! This had me drawn in from the first line, and it succeeded in keeping me there throughout. I have trouble with these types of books sometimes, because if I’m able to guess what’s coming, it ruins it for me. I enjoy the atmosphere, but not so much that I can love a predictable thriller. But this one intrigued me because I’d heard people say it was perfect for Stranger Things fans, and it did sound fascinating. Well, it was a total success! I was in suspense until the very end, and I thought Tudor did a wonderful job of rounding everything out. read more

January 1, 2018 , Mon | Uncategorized | 0 or add you thoughts!

Happy 2018! Today, I’ll be sharing my reading goals for this year.

Over the course of the next 12 months, I want my reading life to be slow and intentional, rather than frenetic. I so love to read, and I’m such a mood reader. This means I often find myself in the middle of five-plus books at once. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. My personal horror is boredom, so reading a group of different things, across genres and formats, has been my way of keeping entertained and always being in the middle of something I’m in the mood for. And yet, I’ve been feeling lately as if I want to give myself a reason to slow down. I actually don’t think this will be easy for me, but I want to approach everything I read in 2018 with intention. I want to give myself the incentive to work through a book more slowly and spend time digesting it after.

I also buy way too many books before reading the ones I already have. I constantly enter this frenzy of wanting to read things that relate to holidays, seasons, and life events, or because everyone else is reading them, resulting in more spur-of-the-moment purchases. I want to treasure each of the books I already own in the way they deserve. read more

November 23, 2017 , Thu | Found Fives | 2 or add you thoughts!

For those of us here in America, today is Thanksgiving! Because of the holiday, November always seems to bring thoughts of gratitude my way. We should always be grateful for the good in our lives, but I do seem to focus on it more this time of year. So far, 2017 has been a banner year for books in my life. I started this site and a Bookstagram, and have read so many wonderful pieces of literature. So, I wanted to share five bookish things I’m grateful for!

  • First and foremost, I’m overwhelmed by my fortune in having access to books. Between the library, bookstores, and internet, I can find nearly anything I’m looking for, at any time. When I really stop to think about it, the enormity of this blessing strikes me.
  • I’m deeply thankful for the influence literature has had on my mind, my heart, and my life path. I’m genuinely certain that I’d be far less of a person if I had never become a reader.
  • I’m grateful for how known literature makes me feel. It seems every time I’m feeling misunderstood or invisible, books are there to relate, comfort, and inspire.
  • I’m overflowing with joy and gratitude for the countless worlds—once real, current, or imagined—we are able to explore through reading. Books are capable of transporting us to other times and places. It’s been said before, and I’m saying it again: It really is magic.
  • I’m thankful for the online book community—whether it be Bookstagram, Booktube, or written blogs. This worldwide amalgam of people who love the same thing is genuinely incredible. You all make me feel known, loved, and inspired every day. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
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