
February 28, 2018 , Wed | Wrap-Ups | 0 or add you thoughts!

Well book lovers, February is over, and you know what that means! It’s time for a wrap-up! I didn’t end up diving into as many love stories as I’d thought I might, but overall my reading month was wonderful!

“I stand for a moment, staring at it, remembering.

The faint squeal of the baby swing, the biting chill of the early-morning air, the crispness of white chalk on black tarmac. Another message. But this one was different. Not a chalk man . . . something else. 

I turn abruptly. Not now. Not again. I won’t be drawn back in.”

The first book I finished this month was The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor! This had me drawn in from the first line, and it succeeded in keeping me there throughout. I have trouble with these types of books sometimes, because if I’m able to guess what’s coming, it ruins it for me. I enjoy the atmosphere, but not so much that I can love a predictable thriller. But this one intrigued me because I’d heard people say it was perfect for Stranger Things fans, and it did sound fascinating. Well, it was a total success! I was in suspense until the very end, and I thought Tudor did a wonderful job of rounding everything out. read more

December 28, 2017 , Thu | Hauls | 0 or add you thoughts!

My 25th birthday was this month, and it’s safe to say I was fantastically spoiled with bookish goodness!

The Chalkboard Tradition

When we moved to Florida many years ago, my mom created chalkboard pantry doors in the kitchen. Since then, my dad has made it a tradition to design a special birthday message for everyone on their birthday. We’ve since moved, but they always make sure there’s a chalkboard in the kitchen, and the tradition goes on. It means a lot to each of us, and this year mine was totally bookish!! I love it so much.

My Great Barnes & Noble Splurge

Every year for my birthday, I take a totally indulgent trip to Barnes & Noble. I go with little to no idea what I want to get, and the only rule is that I have to be able to hold everything I’ll buy in my arms. Aside from that, I allow myself to grab whatever my heart desires in the moment, without reading reviews, looking online to see if I can find it cheaper, or thinking about how ridiculous my TBR already is. This is the only time of the year I let myself engage in such a free-for-all! It’s glorious! This year, I had a few serendipitous discoveries, which always adds to a good book-shopping trip. read more
