
January 5, 2018 , Fri | Events | 0 or add you thoughts!

On Wednesday, I attended an author event for Holly Black! Hosted by Little Shop of Stories, this event was a part of Black’s tour for The Cruel Prince. It was also located at Decatur Library, which is one branch I’d yet to visit. It’s gorgeous! The event was such a wonderful time full of fascinating discussions and cool moments, as bookish events will be! I think I’ve said this before, but I’m so grateful to now live near a shop that does so many of these. Where I lived in Florida, we had an independent bookshop, but it was over an hour away from me and rarely held author events. Little Shop of Stories is so on top of this! I feel like every time a new book is coming out, they’ve got the author in house.

Anyway, my love for Holly Black is actually just becoming! When I saw she was going to be here, I definitely wanted to go, because I love the books in The Spiderwick Chronicles and Magisterium. However, I’ve never read any of her solo works, nor am I familiar with any of them. So, it was news to me that many, The Cruel Prince included, are in the same universe. This has left me somewhat conflicted, because it makes me feel like I should go in publishing order, but I read two chapters of The Cruel Prince while in line at the event and, you guys, IT IS BEAUTIFUL. I’m so enthralled already, and I really want to start it as soon as I finish up reading some of the things I’ve been in the middle of this week. I’ve decided I think I will just let myself do that, because I’m on a book-buying ban (books from events and BOTM not included) this month, so it’s not like I can get any of her other stuff yet anyway. Since they are just in the same universe, not the same series, I thiiiiink I’m chill with doing this? read more

October 2, 2017 , Mon | Events | 0 or add you thoughts!

Last Tuesday, I went to an event for Stephanie Perkins’ new book There’s Someone Inside Your House. It was held at Toco Hill-Avis G. Williams Library (which is gorgeous, by the way), in partnership with Georgia Center for the Book and Little Shop of Stories. Fellow author Elizabeth Lenhard acted as moderator.

Now, I am not a huge horror fan. I don’t think I mind it too much, but I’ve had very limited experience with it. But this is Stephanie Perkins. I enjoyed her Anna and the French Kiss series, and seeing her tackle such a different genre is something I can’t pass up. That’s how my interest in this book began: I’m fascinated by authors who can jump from one thing to another, especially when the difference is as stark as a cute, contemporary romance and horror. I mean come on, that’s great.

As is wont to happen, listening to Perkins talk about this book and her writing process has made me even more pumped about it. Hearing an author speak in person and getting to meet them always adds a level of excitement to a new read, doesn’t it? Perkins talked about how varied her personal interests are, and how she always knew she didn’t want to be boxed into one type of book—so cool. She is apparently such a lover of horror, which I never knew! If you are someone who enjoys this genre, I don’t think you should shy away from this one just because of its author’s previous novels. I haven’t read the book yet, and I’m not familiar with horror in general, as mentioned, but Perkins certainly sounded like she knew what she was doing with this genre. She discussed tons of research, a passion for creepy things, and a somewhat disturbing (if I’m being honest) collection of items she has in her house. read more

September 8, 2017 , Fri | Events | 0 or add you thoughts!

This past Wednesday, my mom and I went to the Tower of Dawn event held by Little Shop of Stories, and I lived a dream! Throne of Glass is one of my absolute favorite book series. Seriously, it’s up there with Harry Potter for me. So, as you might imagine, there are few people I have wanted to meet more than Sarah J. Maas. And, guess what? I MET HER.

Since she is so popular, they had to put a limit on how many people could actually meet her and get their signed copy personalized. As part of the event, you got a pre-signed copy and entry into a raffle. There was an auditorium full of people (over 400) there, and only 50 would be picked from the raffle to meet her. My family has never been lucky when it comes to stuff like this. BUT ONE OF OUR NUMBERS WON.

To be honest, I’m still on cloud nine. It was surreal to see her that close, and to talk to her and her husband (who apparently comes to all of these events with her—how sweet?!), after immersing myself, time and again, in the worlds she has created. read more

September 4, 2017 , Mon | Events | 0 or add you thoughts!

This past weekend, I attended the AJC Decatur Book Festival, and IT WAS AWESOME. I always love these things, but this was my first time going to this one. It was well organized, filled with like-minded book lovers, and had a ton of tents overflowing with books, many of which were collectible and/or rare. Needless to say, I was in heaven! In this post, I’ll share photos and recap a little about the weekend.

On Saturday, my dad and I went to the Superheroes Redefined panel and signing with Gwenda Bond (author of the Lois Lane series and the moderator), Leigh Bardugo (on tour for Wonder Woman: Warbringer), and Jason Reynolds (on tour for Miles Morales: Spider-Man). It was SO COOL. The three of them are such intelligent, fascinating people. Listening to them was an unreal experience. As someone who loves to read, I know that the people who write the books I’m reading are uncommonly smart. Of course they are. They wrote a book. But hearing them speak in person, not just about their own novels, but about how they were striving to interweave important themes, was incredible! Bond, Bardugo, and Reynolds touched specifically on the influence superhero stories can have on today’s youth, especially in a political climate where very few real-life examples of moral good exist anymore. I have never read anything by Bond or Reynolds yet, but after this panel I am definitely going to pick up their work. read more
