September 8, 2017 , Fri | Events | or add your thoughts!

This past Wednesday, my mom and I went to the Tower of Dawn event held by Little Shop of Stories, and I lived a dream! Throne of Glass is one of my absolute favorite book series. Seriously, it’s up there with Harry Potter for me. So, as you might imagine, there are few people I have wanted to meet more than Sarah J. Maas. And, guess what? I MET HER.

Since she is so popular, they had to put a limit on how many people could actually meet her and get their signed copy personalized. As part of the event, you got a pre-signed copy and entry into a raffle. There was an auditorium full of people (over 400) there, and only 50 would be picked from the raffle to meet her. My family has never been lucky when it comes to stuff like this. BUT ONE OF OUR NUMBERS WON.


To be honest, I’m still on cloud nine. It was surreal to see her that close, and to talk to her and her husband (who apparently comes to all of these events with her—how sweet?!), after immersing myself, time and again, in the worlds she has created.

Before all of that happened though, she talked/answered questions for an hour or so, with So Obsessed With blogger Hannah Abbott as moderator. It was awesome! She discussed all kinds of things, either about her or the books, that I never knew. Also, she is genuinely hilarious.

And possibly the most important thing that happened? I HAVE TOWER OF DAWN. I haven’t started it yet, because I do have adulting to do (i.e. work) until the weekend. I’m planning to start it tonight!


We also got a bit of swag, which was exciting, because I get pumped about little stuff like this!


It was a special night! I met an author who was one of the top three authors I wanted to meet and got my copy of a book I am dying to read. On top of all that, my mom and I had so much fun together. I’m so grateful that I get to share a love of these books with her!





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