January 31, 2018 , Wed | Wrap-Ups | or add your thoughts!

Well, that’s a wrap on January! And it was such a success for me! One of my goals for the year is to take the time to slow down and read less if I’m feeling it, and I did that this month. I also completed my book-buying ban as planned, which feels like one of my largest accomplishments in a while, to be honest! Each of these books came from my unread shelves, and that makes me so happy.


Sayings Missing One Letter

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bus.

If you can’t eat them, join them.

A stitch in Tim saves nine.

Work hard, lay hard.

Ruth is stranger than fiction.

People who live in glass hoses shouldn’t throw stones.

Follows your reams.”


I began the year with some comedy! As I get older, I find I enjoy satire more and more. This was no exception! Martin had me laughing out loud and/or shaking my head throughout this little book. I picked it up in the airport, because it looked too hilarious to pass, and I’m glad I did! The page I’ve quoted was one of my favorites. I hope it gives you a laugh too.



“‘She really does manage to convey to each individual in the crowd that he or she has had a personal greeting,’ wrote Harold Nicholson on another of her personal appearances that left him with a lump in this throat. ‘It is due, I think, to the brilliance of her eyes . . . She is in truth one of the most amazing Queens since Cleopatra.'”



I blew through this and enjoyed every moment. So much more than a companion to a television show, this fascinating novel covers the history of the Windsors’ monarchy with energy. Robert Lacey does a fantastic job of relaying the true details behind the show’s events—although they aren’t so different than you would expect. The apparent accuracy of the show shocked me the whole time I was reading this! Lacey also elaborates on various other events in the monarchy’s history.



“‘I can think of a word for it,” Weylyn said. ‘I’ll give you a hint. It starts with an M.’

‘Malfunctioning air sacs?’ ‘Cause if they were overinflating, they wouldn’t be able to dive—’

‘Why do you do that?’

‘Do what?’

‘Take something beautiful and vandalize it with skepticism?'”


I’m not going to get into this much here, because I posted a full review on it this week, but what I will say is: NEW FAVORITE. I absolutely love this book.



“It’s to Millie Bobby Brown’s continued credit that we’re with her every step of the way. Her performance is so delicate, so believable, that we cannot help but smile when she does, wince when she does, fear when she does.”




This. Was. So. Awesome. It has tons of analysis, behind-the-scenes information, and discussion about influences. Guy Adams did a wonderful job, plus he is hilarious throughout.  You probably know by now that I am such a fan of Stranger Things, but if you don’t, there you go. When I saw this, I needed to have it! It’s structured by episode, so I waited until I had the time to rewatch Season 1 along with the book. It was a super fun experience, and I highly recommend doing it that way if you pick this up! This also enables you to do the quizzes, which were a blast.



“‘Dragons have no beginning, unless it lies with the creation of Alagaësia itself. And if they have an end, it will be when this world perishes, for they suffer as the land does. They, the dwarves, and a few others are the true inhabitants of this land. They lived here before all others, strong and proud in their elemental glory. Their world was unchanging until the first elves sailed over the sea on their silver ships.”



After so many years of being told how incredible this is, I have read Eragon!! I read it as part of a readalong hosted by @bookishwinterwitch, @abookishdragon, and @booklattes, so that made it even more fun! Plus, this has been on my shelf forever, so it’s a huge win for The Unread Shelf Project! And most important of all, I had so much fun reading this book. The characters are endearing, the world is wonderful, and I’m already loving the second book! Whoop!



Want a full review on any of these books? Let me know in the comments!

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